SBU Captions Explorer

The SBU Captions Dataset contains 1 million images with captions obtained from Flickr circa 2011 as documented in Ordonez, Kulkarni, and Berg. NeurIPS 2011. These are captions written by real users, pre-filtered by keeping only captions that have at least two nouns, a noun-verb pair, or a verb-adjective pair. They also exclude many noisy captions and trivial captions. The final set still contains noise which might be significant for some use cases, nevertheless this dataset has been used for research purposes for several tasks e.g. Google's Show-and-Tell and Microsoft's UNITER. Here we provide a search tool to find images on this dataset. Often researchers want to test their systems with specific images, this tools allows searching for some that match human-written text descriptions. If you're interested in dowloading this whole dataset go here instead.

The SBU Captions Dataset contains 1 million images with captions and was obtained from Flickr circa 2011 as documented in Ordonez, Kulkarni, and Berg. NeurIPS 2011. If you're interested in dowloading this whole dataset go here instead.

Try entering queries such as ``a person holding a cat'', or ''a bird on top of a boat''.
DH and little dog walking along the beach in Galveston Texas.

DH and little dog walking along the beach in Galveston Texas.

Taken on Wonwell Beach in Devon while out walking the dog

Taken on Wonwell Beach in Devon while out walking the dog

man walking dog in a winters blizzard on mersea beach, essex

man walking dog in a winters blizzard on mersea beach, essex

Candy is walking the Giant Killer Dog back from the beach with the kids in the background.

Candy is walking the Giant Killer Dog back from the beach with the kids in the background.

A man walking his dog on the south beach in Rush, Co. Dublin.

A man walking his dog on the south beach in Rush, Co. Dublin.

Took this on Elie beach in fife, two girls walking there dog.

Took this on Elie beach in fife, two girls walking there dog.

No a cloud in the sky while walking my dog on Exmouth beach

No a cloud in the sky while walking my dog on Exmouth beach

IMG_0392 - I've titled this photo: "Dog walking along a beach in Patagonia"

IMG_0392 - I've titled this photo: "Dog walking along a beach in Patagonia"

A man and his dog walking along the beach in downtown Traverse City.

A man and his dog walking along the beach in downtown Traverse City.

a man walking his dog on Pensarn Beach. The offshore winfarm is in the distance

a man walking his dog on Pensarn Beach. The offshore winfarm is in the distance

On the beach in the evening. Elijah is walking Tim & Ruth's dog, Leah.

On the beach in the evening. Elijah is walking Tim & Ruth's dog, Leah.

Girl and her dog walking along Juhu beach in the morning. Mumbai, India

Girl and her dog walking along Juhu beach in the morning. Mumbai, India

Walking by the beach one afternoon and saw this dog looking at me , holding this empty can.

Walking by the beach one afternoon and saw this dog looking at me , holding this empty can.

A man walking with his dog on the Seaside beach,only in the winter could you do that.

A man walking with his dog on the Seaside beach,only in the winter could you do that.

Double rainbow in County Kerry, Ireland :: Person is walking her dog at the beach

Double rainbow in County Kerry, Ireland :: Person is walking her dog at the beach

Sitting on Katra's dog and walking on the beach barefoot for the first time in ages.. brilliant.

Sitting on Katra's dog and walking on the beach barefoot for the first time in ages.. brilliant.

Two dogs walking along at Alki Beach. The dog in front is carying the leash of the other dog in its mouth.

Two dogs walking along at Alki Beach. The dog in front is carying the leash of the other dog in its mouth.

The five women walking back from the beach. Caramel the dog in grandma's arms, Joy walking in the middle, Jenn pushing Olivia.

The five women walking back from the beach. Caramel the dog in grandma's arms, Joy walking in the middle, Jenn pushing Olivia.

This is my dog Fritzi walking in the parking lot on her way back from the beach paths.

This is my dog Fritzi walking in the parking lot on her way back from the beach paths.

An unidentified man is reflected in the sands of Minot Beach while walking his dog on Saturday.

An unidentified man is reflected in the sands of Minot Beach while walking his dog on Saturday.