SBU Captions Explorer

The SBU Captions Dataset contains 1 million images with captions obtained from Flickr circa 2011 as documented in Ordonez, Kulkarni, and Berg. NeurIPS 2011. These are captions written by real users, pre-filtered by keeping only captions that have at least two nouns, a noun-verb pair, or a verb-adjective pair. They also exclude many noisy captions and trivial captions. The final set still contains noise which might be significant for some use cases, nevertheless this dataset has been used for research purposes for several tasks e.g. Google's Show-and-Tell and Microsoft's UNITER. Here we provide a search tool to find images on this dataset. Often researchers want to test their systems with specific images, this tools allows searching for some that match human-written text descriptions. If you're interested in dowloading this whole dataset go here instead.

The SBU Captions Dataset contains 1 million images with captions and was obtained from Flickr circa 2011 as documented in Ordonez, Kulkarni, and Berg. NeurIPS 2011. If you're interested in dowloading this whole dataset go here instead.

Try entering queries such as ``a person holding a cat'', or ''a bird on top of a boat''.
Today I will lie under a tree until a fat cat falls into my big mouth...

Today I will lie under a tree until a fat cat falls into my big mouth...

My white cat Jack under my white tree in my white bedroom.

My white cat Jack under my white tree in my white bedroom.

I just thought this was cute to see Ozzie and my cat sleeping under the Christmas tree.

I just thought this was cute to see Ozzie and my cat sleeping under the Christmas tree.

My Nephew's cat Rexy was a beautiful sight under the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve.

My Nephew's cat Rexy was a beautiful sight under the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve.

Little Gracie cat under the tree the first night it was put up. (December 2008)

Little Gracie cat under the tree the first night it was put up. (December 2008)

Upgrayedd, our long-hair gray cat laying under our Chrismas tree

Upgrayedd, our long-hair gray cat laying under our Chrismas tree

Our cat dies suddenly. we found her lying under a tree with her mouth foaming.

Our cat dies suddenly. we found her lying under a tree with her mouth foaming.

My cat tigger prob won't come out from under the Xmas tree until January

My cat tigger prob won't come out from under the Xmas tree until January

early christmas presents under my tree (Snooki is the white cat and LeStat is the grey kitty)

early christmas presents under my tree (Snooki is the white cat and LeStat is the grey kitty)

Browser sitting under the Christmas Tree. Christmas card of 2004Library cat at Pine River

Browser sitting under the Christmas Tree. Christmas card of 2004Library cat at Pine River

Our tree, with presents we've gotten, presents we're giving, and Kayla the devil cat still lurking under the tree somewhere.

Our tree, with presents we've gotten, presents we're giving, and Kayla the devil cat still lurking under the tree somewhere.

Ignore the spot where the damn cat got the tree skirt all askew from sleeping under the tree. Little bastard.

Ignore the spot where the damn cat got the tree skirt all askew from sleeping under the tree. Little bastard.

Alan's cat Azrael haning out under the Christmas tree at his house.  Christmas night 2005.

Alan's cat Azrael haning out under the Christmas tree at his house. Christmas night 2005.

Looking up from under the cat tree. You can see his cloudy eye. Hopefully this will clear up in time.

Looking up from under the cat tree. You can see his cloudy eye. Hopefully this will clear up in time.

it was under this tree that my sister and i saw a jackribbit, quail, a house cat and other wild life.

it was under this tree that my sister and i saw a jackribbit, quail, a house cat and other wild life.

My mom e-mailed me this picture of her cat Joy under her Christmas tree this morning.

My mom e-mailed me this picture of her cat Joy under her Christmas tree this morning.

My favorite picture of our Persian cat Murphy sitting under the Christmas tree. (December 2004)

My favorite picture of our Persian cat Murphy sitting under the Christmas tree. (December 2004)

All presents are wrapped and under the tree in the afternoon of December 24th, 2007.Note the cat sleeping on top of the sofa.

All presents are wrapped and under the tree in the afternoon of December 24th, 2007.Note the cat sleeping on top of the sofa.

6:38 Neighbor's cat under giant fig tree wary of Buddy below. Next we leave for rafting trip!

6:38 Neighbor's cat under giant fig tree wary of Buddy below. Next we leave for rafting trip!

Our cat loves to hide under the christmas tree. The reflection of her eyes on the wood floor was cool.

Our cat loves to hide under the christmas tree. The reflection of her eyes on the wood floor was cool.